Feedback & Complaints
VincentCare Victoria
VincentCare Victoria is committed to ensuring that the services we provide are done professionally, respectfully and compassionately. As a client of VincentCare Victoria your feedback is important us. We like to know what we did well, and what we can do better. Any suggestions, compliments and complaints are welcome.
- As a client or resident of VincentCare your ‘Voice’ is important.
- You have experience and knowledge that we as an organisation can learn from.
- We work from a Rights Based Approach, in which you have the right to a give us feedback.
Whether it is a compliment, complaint or a suggestion on how we could do things better, you can email OR you can just click on the appropriate link below and let us know what you think.
Where possible we would aim to respond to your feedback via your support worker, tenancy worker or another trusted staff member.
If you can complete the above link
Click on this link Feedback form pdf and download the form and fill it in.
You can request an envelope to ensure privacy and submit your complaint to the Team Leader / Manager of the service.
As a client of VincentCare, you have the right to raise a complaint about the service that you have received, or appeal a decision made by the service that you are not happy with.
Making a complaint will not negatively influence any future service you receive from VincentCare.
It is your right to remain anonymous, however if you would like staff to follow up with you personally, please provide your name and / or contact details.
Step 1
Where possible we would aim to resolve your complaint in an informal way by speaking to your case manager, support worker, tenancy worker or another trusted staff member.
If you can’t resolve your complaint in this way, you can complete the above link Complaint Form
Click on this link (Client Complaint Form PDF) and download the form and fill it in.
You can request an envelope to ensure privacy and submit your complaint to the Team Leader / Manager of the service.
Step 2
The Team Leader or Manager will arrange to meet with you to discuss your complaint.
Step 3
If you are not satisfied with the outcome you then have the right to raise the complaint or appeal the decision with the Hub Manager.
Step 4
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you then have the right to raise the complaint or appeal the decision with the Senior Manager Specialist Services – Client Services or State Manager Housing – Community Housing.
Step 5
You have the right to raise the matter with external bodies, including relevant government departments.
VincentCare is committed to ensuring that the services we provide are delivered professionally, respectfully and compassionately.
You can also make a complaint by contacting the following organisations:
Elder Rights Advocacy | | 1800 700 600 (free call)
Information and advocacy about any aged care concerns.
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission | 1800 951 822 |
Commonwealth Department of Social Services: 03 9665 8888
Office of the Public Advocate: 1300 309 337
Southern Disability Advocacy: 03 9533 5977
Victorian Privacy Commission:
Homelessness Advocacy Service (HAS): 1800 066 256
Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG):
Ngwala Willumbong Ltd Aboriginal Tenancies at Risk Program: 03 9510 3222
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission: 1300 292 153