Young Adults Transitional Housing Management Program
Provides young adults aged 18-25 years, in the North Western Melbourne region, who are experiencing homelessness with the opportunity to access medium term housing.

The focus of the program is to provide the opportunity to participate in employment, education and training, with access to stable accommodation for up-to 18 months. All housing options are provided on a shared house arrangement, with case management being provided.
Who is eligible for Young Adults Transitional Housing Management Program?
The program is available for young adults who meet the following criteria:
- Aged 18-25 and live in the North Western Melbourne region;
- Engaged in employment, education or training;
- Are willing to share accommodation with another young person from all communities;
- Require minimal supports;
- Have a view to access the private rental market;
- Be willing to engage with an employment worker and housing worker regularly to look at long term housing options; and
- Have low support needs.
Referral to the program is through the Open Doors Framework, which includes an application process via direct referral to the program. Vacancy are advertised when available.
The Young Adults Transitional Housing program has Specialist Housing Status from the Department of Human Services, so referrals can be received from outside the Open Doors Framework.
For more information contact
Phone: 9304 0116 (Young Adults)
Address: 175 Glenroy Rd, Glenroy
Email: yathm@vincentcare.org.au