Substance Treatment and Recovery
Substance Treatment and Recovery (STAR) provides evidence-based treatment to people experiencing alcohol and other drug issues.

The STAR program provides flexible Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) services across the Inner-North and North-West catchment areas of Melbourne and operates from VincentCare’s Ozanam Community Centre in North Melbourne and VincentCare in Glenroy. The program was developed in response to the 2014 Alcohol and Other Drugs sector reforms and the product of a close partnership between VincentCare Victoria and The Salvation Army.
“We have a commitment to providing a client centred approach to those clients identified as having AOD issues,” says Rebecca Steunenberg, Manager – Case Management & Treatment Services at VincentCare’s Inner Melbourne Community Hub. “STAR delivers one-to-one AOD Counselling and Care & Recovery Coordination (CRC). The program aims to provide a supportive, holistic approach to treatment. It’s this flexible approach that ensures there are recovery options for a broad range of clients with differing needs.”
“We have a strong team approach,” says Rebecca, “we aim for professional best practice at all times and the innovative treatment types are offered to voluntary clients, mandated forensic clients and we also have the capacity for outreach into the community.”
All referral and intake enquires are directed to the Catchment Intake and Assessment service on 1800 700 514.
People aged 18+ who are experiencing alcohol and other drugs issues.