Reconstructing Life After Dependency
The Reconstructing Life After Dependency (RLAD) program aims to support clients to reintegrate into the wider community following participation in the Quin House program, or similar AOD programs.

The objective of the RLAD program is to provide 6 months of recovery focused counselling and case management support for clients to assist them to maintain abstinence and re-establish their lives in the community following residential rehabilitation or engagement in other recovery focused program/s.
The RLAD program continues to work from an abstinence-based approach, and places value on mentoring and the peer support model to assist people in their recovery journey.
The residents in the RLAD program are intensively supported by outreach case managers and have access to community development staff and projects. RLAD residents also have one-on-one sessions with a counsellor, develop and work towards their individual treatment goals, and continue to take part in therapeutic group work.
RLAD eligibility criteria relates to male or trans-male identifying clients aged 18 and over, who have completed the Quin House program or equivalent rehabilitation program, and have a minimum of 4 weeks abstinence.
Eligibility/Program Requirements:
- Persons that identify as male or trans-male and aged 18 years and over.
- Have completed/engaged in residential rehabilitation, other recovery focused programs, or have a minimum of 4 weeks of abstinence.
- Priority is given to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
- Are capable of independent living in the community.
- Are willing to participate in therapeutic groups, individual programs and counselling.
- Agree to undertake compulsory, supervised urine and alcohol screens, 3x weekly
Clients and services requesting information about the RLAD program or to be advised of available vacancies/wait times should contact RLAD on (03) 9419 5836 or rladreferrals@vincentcare.org.au
Referrers are asked to provide the following when referring a client:
- Client consent form
- RLAD Cover Sheet
- AOD Step 1 Self-Complete
- AOD Comprehensive Assessment
- GP Health Summary
RLAD can be contacted via phone or email for the consent form and cover sheet to be sent and completed.
Referrals meeting the selection criteria will be contacted and an assessment time will be arranged.
Address: 40 George Street, Fitzroy 3065
Phone: (03) 9419 5836
Email: rladreferrals@vincentcare.org.au