Olive’s Place
Olive’s Place provides specialist support and accommodation to adults, children and family animals fleeing family violence.

Olive’s Place provides high security refuge, crisis accommodation and intensive case management support to women, LGBTI+ people, children and family animals escaping family violence. Olive’s Place was named after the late Olive Zakharov in recognition of her contributions and advocacy for equal rights for women and LGBTI+ people.
Olive’s Place employs a trauma-informed, strengths-based and feminist approach to advocate for the safety and rights for victim-survivors.
Olive’s Place provides case management focusing on:
- Risk assessment, risk management and safety planning
- Income establishment and financial security
- Material aid and transport options
- Specialist support for children and young people including activities, school enrolment and linkages to maternal child health nurse
- Emotional support
- Referrals to external services including counselling, immigration, legal and medical help
- Court support, Intervention Order applications and support to report breaches
- Funding applications including support packages, crisis payments and emergency relief
- Referral and advocacy to secure medium to long-term safe and affordable housing outcomes
- Community engagement and social activities
- Family animal support including funding for veterinary assistance and temporary boarding
Olive’s Place aims to support single people and families to recover from the various impacts of family violence and build a new life free from abuse.
Olive’s Place works with victim-survivors who have had to flee their home due to family violence and are at immediate risk. Victim-survivors entering the program require immediate protection and need to be hidden from the person using violence.
Olive’s Place receives referrals through Safe Steps, Phone: 1800 015 188.