Long-Time Homeless-Persons Advocate Moves On

VincentCare Victoria chairman Rod McDonald has announced today that CEO John Blewonski has resigned from his position to pursue new opportunities as the CEO of MS Australia Limited.
Mr McDonald said Mr Blewonski, who has been CEO for nine years, had built VincentCare into a nationally recognised leader in the homelessness and housing sector, putting the person and their experience at the centre of the organisation and utilising evidence to innovate around program delivery and housing options.
“John has done a remarkable job in leading the organisation to focus on the core issues of chronic homelessness and disadvantage,” Mr McDonald said.
He said that John was the driving force behind the evidence-based, trauma-informed, person-centred Homelessness Recovery Model, which VincentCare had implemented state-wide to engage, enable and empower people in crisis.
He worked tirelessly to ensure Australia’s largest Social Impact Bond, COMPASS, had the support of investors and the sector.
“His legacy is not only the hundreds of clients who now dare to dream after recovering from homelessness and housing stress, but also the 10-storey homelessness resource and accommodation centre under development in North Melbourne.
“John’s vision, his strong connections and his energy will be greatly missed at VincentCare but we know John will always be a great supporter of our commitment to working with and achieving outcomes for the most disadvantaged.”
Mr Blewonski said that the great success of VincentCare in delivering services and the impact the North Melbourne redevelopment will make when it launches in March 2019 are wonderful platforms on which to leave VincentCare.
“These are exciting times for both VincentCare, with the Board’s innovative Strategic Directions 2018-2023, and myself,” Mr Blewonski said.