Standing against family violence: Supporting the 16 Days of Activism
Last week, team members from VincentCare’s Northern Community Hub came together in Melbourne (Naarm) to join the Walk Against Family Violence.

Last week, team members from VincentCare’s Northern Community Hub came together in Melbourne (Naarm) to join the Walk Against Family Violence. It was a deeply moving moment to walk alongside so many others, standing in solidarity with victim-survivors of family violence.
This walk was more than a step forward – it’s part of the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a campaign that shines a light on the urgent need for awareness, prevention and action to end violence in all its forms.
Participants shared that they felt inspired by the powerful messages shared, the sea of orange and purple symbolising hope and change and the unwavering determination of the community to create a safer future for all.
At the Group, we’re committed to supporting individuals and families affected by family violence. Through VincentCare’s specialist services, Olive’s Place and Marian Community, we provide refuge, crisis accommodation and support for people seeking safety. These spaces are not just about shelter, they’re about hope and helping people rebuild their lives free from fear.
But the heartbreaking truth is that this year alone, 66 women in Australia have lost their lives to violence.
It’s a stark reminder of how urgent this fight is. Family violence isn’t a private matter – it’s a crisis that impacts us all. Research from Our Watch highlights the gravity of this issue: one in three women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15 and one in four has endured violence or abuse at the hands of a partner. Alarmingly, transgender and gender-diverse individuals face even higher rates of violence and abuse.
The 16 Days of Activism is our collective opportunity to say: Enough.
It’s a call to create safer, more respectful communities and a future where equality and dignity are the norm. At the Group, we are proud to stand up – not just by providing life-changing support to victim-survivors but by advocating for the awareness and systemic change needed to end this crisis.
A safer world starts with all of us – challenging harmful beliefs, breaking down stereotypes and standing together for people who need it most.
As we mark these 16 days and beyond, let’s commit to a future where fear has no place and respect is a right everyone can count on. Together, we can make it happen. Let’s walk this path together.