Congratulations to our Client Volunteers
Three of our Client Volunteers/Client Volunteer Graduates have been recognised with some very important community awards this last month.

George Te Whaiti has been awarded with the Phonse Tobin award for community service run by Rotary North Melbourne which includes a $500 cheque. This is for his voluntary work both in our Client Volunteer Program and also with our cross-program partner Hotham Mission.
Dave Gunstone has been nominated and shortlisted for a YMCA State Award for his community basketball program he has started “Y Streetball”.
Erika Lodge won a major consumer participant award at the Victorian Homelessness Achievement Award Ceremony. VincentCare submitted this nomination and provided Erika with a phone referral once shortlisted.
So much of the work that happens at our Community Hubs and Ozanam Community Centre is driven by community and client volunteers. We are extremely proud that our Client Volunteer and Client Volunteer Graduates are receiving recognition for the incredibly noble work they do within our community.