Christmas Lunch for Melbourne’s most disadvantaged
In the last twelve months almost 35,000 lunches have been served at VincentCare’s Ozanam Community Centre and Ozanam House.

”In a year that has seen a surge in the number of people sleeping rough on our streets and more and more Victorians struggling with the cost of living or escaping family violence becoming at risk of homelessness, it’s a good time to reflect on what we want to achieve as a community in order to provide a safe and affordable housing option for all Victorians.” John Blewonski, CEO VincentCare Victoria.
In the last twelve months almost 35,000 lunches have been served at VincentCare’s Ozanam Community Centre and Ozanam House. On Christmas Day staff and volunteers take time away from their own families to ensure that everyone who attends has a delicious meal and a day to remember.
It’s a festive and friendly atmosphere, a traditional lunch is served and Santa makes a visit to bring a gift for everyone. With music and fun it is a welcome reprieve from the harsh realities of the everyday for people at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness.