Susie's story
"Leaving was the only way to save my kids from the violence."
Susie is a young, dedicated mum with two small children and a survivor of family violence. She moved into public housing with her kids but didn’t feel safe.
“I didn’t feel safe. I wanted privacy; I wanted the kids to be able to run around and play and to feel like a normal family. My car kept getting broken into and I was often asked if I wanted to buy drugs. The elevator was always broken so I had to carry two kids and shopping up and down the stairs.”
Susie says that when she got in touch with her case worker at VincentCare it was really helpful.
“No real estate agent would accept me; I look really young with two small children. My case worker helped me to fill in all the forms and it was very comforting to know that there was someone there to help.”
In 2016, Susie finally found an affordable, stable and safe place to call home through a VincentCare program that enables people to access the private rental market.
“Now I’ve got my own place, I can think about the future. I’m planning to go to TAFE next year to study social work.”
According to Susie’s case manager, she is a fantastic mum.
“It’s great to see her settle in and be able to set some life goals. She’s now got hope for the future.”
Australia’s housing is among the most expensive in the world with median weekly rent in Melbourne sitting at $430 – pricing people on a low income out of the market.