Leave a gift in your Will
Leaving a gift in your Will is a simple, yet powerful way to help those in need after you are gone.

You will support the ongoing development and delivery of innovative, evidence-based programs and services that offer care, hope and support to vulnerable Victorians who are homeless or living with various complex needs affecting their wellbeing, safety, security or access to resources.
We believe that by offering a caring hand up and not a hand out to people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage in Victoria, we can restore their hope and encourage them to take control of their destiny.
Your lasting legacy. Leaving a gift in your Will can help us house, feed, clothe and assist people struggling or facing a crisis.
Your gift will restore hope. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. You don’t need to be wealthy to leave a gift, a minimal percentage of your estate can have a lasting impact.
Your gift will go to those in need. Your funds can be directed to where they are needed most.
We are here to help. For further information or to discuss this very personal decision further.
About VincentCare
VincentCare was established by the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria (Society) in 2003 as a company limited by guarantee to accept responsibility for a range of services for disadvantaged and vulnerable people, including those who are homeless, mentally and physically disabled, aged, and suffering from forms of substance abuse.
VincentCare works within the mission of the Society providing an extensive range of structured social services to disadvantaged people, often in partnership with government and a wide range of non-government providers. VincentCare responsibility is to provide services and also to advocate for these vulnerable and disadvantaged people, respect their dignity and rights and understand their needs, so as to provide them with support and encouragement and promote self-dependence.