Corporate support
VincentCare Victoria regularly work with businesses that share our commitment to targeting homelessness and disadvantage within our community.

VincentCare provides support to men, women and children from all walks of life and backgrounds. This includes people who have fallen on tough times and find themselves homeless temporarily, people who have been in and out of homelessness with increasing levels of personal risk and vulnerability or people who are long-term homeless with multiple and complex support needs.
Our client journeys always start with engagement. We remove access barriers, we develop trust and foster motivation, we promote hope and at all times we have an unconditional positive regard for every person. At VincentCare, every individual matters.
We provide a wide range of services include housing and homelessness programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, family violence services, financial counselling, health and wellbeing, reconnecting people to their communities, supported employment and outreach support for young people, adults, families and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Businesses can support us through the development of partnerships, sponsorships, cause related marketing campaigns or activations, philanthropic and/or material donations.
We are seeking to work with businesses that are interested to:
- drive community support for our work through a targeted campaign or business activity
- support one of our current major organisational initiatives such as the Redevelopment of Ozanam House
- support one of our individual or place-based programs that provide services or support to various population groups (youth, men, women, older adults)
- engage staff members through workplace giving or corporate volunteering opportunities
VincentCare recognises the importance of developing and nurturing strong links with the corporate sector to support us to make positive changes in the lives of the people VincentCare assists. We seek to engage all corporate supporters in long-term, strategic and mutually beneficial relationships.
If your business in interested in supporting VincentCare Victoria, please email us at fundraising@vincentcare.org.au
The invaluable support of corporate volunteers – Probuild
“We first heard about VincentCare, Ozanam House and The Ozanam Community Centre in 2010 when we carried out a community project there,” says Coco Pinnis, Project Manager – Group Initiatives at Probuild. Probuild is one of Australia’s largest construction companies. Since 1987, the company has grown to become a nationally diversified company with more than 750 employees.
“We’re passionate about leaving a positive impact on the communities we operate in,” says Coco. “We actively support our staff to collaborate with and give back to the communities we work in. We do this by providing an avenue for staff to volunteer in the community or donate through Workplace Giving.”
“Since that initial contact we’ve slowly built up the number of staff volunteering in the kitchen with the food service at Ozanam House. Currently we have 35 Probuild staff involved, carrying out two or three shifts per month.”
Probuild’s ProCommunity Victoria team focuses on assisting Not For Profit organisations that specifically address homelessness, the built environment or education and are relatively small, so they can create a greater impact Coco explains.
“There are many possible interesting synergies between a construction company and a specialist homeless service. What we find works really well is our annual community project, in which we do a project over two weekends. Probuild staff complete the works and our subcontractors donate the materials. Past projects have been for VincentCare, McCauley Community Services for Women, Noble Park English Language School in conjunction with The Song Room, Ascot Vale Special School and this year the Children’s Protection Society in West Heidelberg.”
The support and volunteer hours provided by our corporate volunteers like Probuild is invaluable to the work of VincentCare.