Access and Support Program
Supporting people under 65 with unmet health issues with linkages and referral.

The Access & Support Program works with people under 65 with unmet health issues across Hume and Merri-Bek
The program provides short term support for people requiring referrals to Home and Community Care (HACC) services, community health programs, and facilitates and supports clients in accessing appropriate services.
The program operates from an outreach model and the Access & Support Worker can meet with clients in the home or in convenient locations in the community. The Access & Support Worker will work collaboratively with the client on goals through case planning.
People who are eligible for Home and Community Care (HACC) services can be linked with Access and Support to access:
- Assessment
- In home services
- Social support
- Shopping assistance
- Community health services
- Personal care
- Under 65
- Living in Hume or Merri – Bek
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness
Referrals can be received via:
- Initial Assessment and Planning Team
- Referral by another service
- Self-referral via the Access & Support Care Coordinator
Outreach Support Services Team
175 Glenroy Road, Glenroy 3046
T: 03 9304 0195
VincentCare Northern Community Hub
T: 03 9304 0100 | Freecall: 1800 618 468